Thursday, August 20, 2015

Make Your Bottles Spill Proof And Stronger With Bottle Burst Testers

Bursting is a great problem that is faced by the PET bottles when they are used for bottling of carbonated drinks or any liquid that expands. Most of the PET bottles used for bottling of liquids are strong enough to bear the pressure that is exerted on them from inside by the liquids but some bottles may burst with the excess of pressure inside them. This can be very dangerous for the manufacturers as well as the users. If the food items get spilled, it may lead to adulteration of the food items and if there is a chemical packaged inside the bottles and the bottle bursts, it may cause serious injuries leading to lethal accidents.

In order to make sure that the bottled do not burst when there is a little excess of pressure inside them, the manufacturers of the PET bottles need to test the bursting strength of the bottles so that they are able to survive the excess of pressure. For this, a bottle burst tester is used. It is a testing equipment that tests the strength of the bottles by putting excess of pressure inside them until they burst due to extreme pressure. This helps in determining the maximum amount of pressure a bottle can bear. This helps the designers of bottles in deciding the factor of safety for the PET bottles.

Presto offers highly competent Bottle bursting testers that provide extremely accurate testing Data. The instrument comes with conformance certificate and a user manual. 

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